Life Story: Who? Me?

Halo, peeps!
     Mau cerita sedikit nih. Kali ini aku pakai campuran ya bahasanya. Soalnya ga lagi bahas soal fashion, lifestyle, atau review product. Jadi aku cuman mau cerita pengalamanku dan sedikit berkeluh kesah. Pernah denger nggak sih, istilah "Instagram tempat pamer, Twitter tempat berkeluh kesah." Well, kalo kalian masih aktif di twitter (kebanyakan orang sudah ninggalin twitter sih), follow aku dong hehe. Tapi nggak usah juga gapapa sih. Soalnya twitter aku isinya curhatan dan keluh kesah mulu. Sekali-sekali ngeretweet konten lucu atau ikutan main hashtag yang diadain selebtwit. 
     Eh tapi, ceritaku kali ini bukan tentang kehidupan media sosial dan antek-anteknya. Ceritaku kali ini terinspirasi sama salah satu tweet orang yang aku ga kenal, tapi tiba-tiba muncul di timeline aku sebagai akibat dari seorang yang aku follow meretweet tweet tersebut. Terus aku merasa tweet tersebut "aku banget" gitu loh. Makanya pengen aku share di blog.

An Early Life Crisis

When it comes to life, I tend to ask myself, "am I doing it right?" or "is it gonna last?". Those two questions often appear in my mind and terrified me all the time. Adult life is confusing and sometimes all I wanna do is crawl on to my bed and hide under my blanket. You can mock me now because who am I to complain about life? I'm just 22 years old for God sake. 
The other day, J asked if I'm going to join a cooking class or something since I basically baking cakes every day. And I said that if somehow I want to continue my study, I think it's going to be fashion related. Because I love fashion a lot. But my job is culinarily related, so I guess join a cooking class is more reasonable for me. Is it okay if I'm doing them both? Am I gonna be alright? Can I focus on two fields at the same time? How can our future be so unclear?

Floral This and Floral That

     I never denied the fact that wearing basic outfits is the easiest way to look effortlessly stylish. Simple and nice to see. I dare to admit that I wear them all the time when I'm not in front of the camera. Plain shirt and pants (I also dare to admit that I don't really like wearing jeans). Despite all those colors that you usually see at me, yes I don't do that all the time. I just love clashing patterns. It makes me feel different somehow. In a world filled with people wearing those luxurious pieces and all about being classy, I'd like to see a woman full of passion and love when I look at the mirror. A woman who loves herself enough to not trying to be someone else. For the sake to be accepted by the society. It's okay if you're one of them classy ladies. I admire you. Because until now, I wished I was that elegant.
     This article is written for you, whoever you are, who wants to try something new. Something different to wear than your usual outfit but afraid that you're not going to pull them off right. So what I'm trying to say is, if you never did clashing patterns before, clashing floral patterns is the safest way to do the style. I love clashing floral patterns. And if I recall correctly, I did that too when I started writing fashion blog back in 2013 (You can see it here >> Oh Almost Goodbye To Spring). And it's still my favorite style to wear these days hehe.

ATS The Label outer, This is April skirt, Berrybenka heels